Productivity for High-Performance Business Owners with ADHD: Coping Strategies from an Experienced Consultant and Freelancer

Cynthia Schomp
4 min readFeb 28, 2023


Signage saying Focus on the right things.

As a consultant and freelancer with ADHD, I understand the unique challenges that high-performance CEOs with ADHD face. The struggles of ADHD can make it difficult to stay on top of your game, but it is possible to manage your symptoms and increase your productivity. In this article, I’ll share with you my personal experiences and coping strategies to help you become more productive as a high-performance CEO with ADHD.

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects attention, behavior, and impulse control. It can make it difficult to focus, stay organized, and complete tasks. It’s estimated that 4.4% of adults in the United States have ADHD, and it can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or occupation.

As someone who has been dealing with ADHD for over 20 years, I know first-hand the struggles of trying to stay focused and productive in a world that is constantly moving. But, I also know that it’s possible to manage your symptoms and thrive in your career.

Managing ADHD Symptoms

Managing ADHD symptoms is crucial to increase productivity and stay on track. Here are some tips that have worked for me:

  1. Create a Routine: Establishing a routine that includes specific times for work, exercise, meals, and relaxation has been a game-changer for me. It helps to create structure and predictability, which is important for individuals with ADHD.
  2. Prioritize Tasks: Prioritizing tasks is a critical part of managing ADHD symptoms. I use a “task list” in the form of a worksheet to prioritize my work and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This helps me stay focused and prevents overwhelm. I also train my focus using my worksheets. I score myself on focus and productivity for each work block. Over time, I’ve learned to focus on demand making my work blocks ultra productive! (Join The Boss Club for free and get start using my focus and accountability system.)
  3. Take Breaks: Taking breaks is essential for individuals with ADHD. It helps prevent burnout and increases productivity. I take frequent breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus. In fact my worksheets mentioned above have a “refresh” step after each work block.
  4. Avoid Distractions: Distractions can derail productivity and make it difficult to complete tasks. I eliminate distractions by turning off my phone, closing unnecessary tabs on my computer, and finding a quiet workspace. I find it helps to put on music with noise canceling headphones. This puts me into the zone.
  5. Delegate Tasks: Delegating tasks has been a game-changer for me. It reduces overwhelm and frees up my time to focus on high-priority tasks. Consider delegating tasks to team members or hiring an assistant to handle administrative tasks. I found my assistant on a hiring board. She’s skilled in the tasks I struggle to tackle! Just post a listing and put the job duties you’d like to off load to your assistant.

Improving Productivity

Improving productivity requires a disciplined and strategic approach. Here are some tips that have worked for me:

  1. Use Time-Blocking: Time-blocking involves scheduling specific tasks during set times of the day. This method helps to increase focus and prevent distractions.
  2. Set Goals: Setting goals helps to create a sense of purpose and direction. Establish long-term and short-term goals for your work and personal life.
  3. Use Technology: Technology can be a useful tool for increasing productivity. I use apps and software that can help with time management, organization, and task prioritization.
  4. Collaborate with Others: Collaboration can help generate new ideas and increase productivity. Consider working with team members, mentors, or coaches to gain new insights and improve productivity. Body doubling to get tasks done is super helpful. We do this in The Boss Club which is free to join.
  5. Take Care of Yourself: Self-care is essential for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout. Make time for exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation. My personal favorite self care is, taking the dogs out on the trails here in Colorado!


Managing ADHD symptoms and improving productivity as a high-performance CEO is challenging, but it’s possible. As someone who has been dealing with ADHD for over 20 years, I know that it requires a disciplined and strategic approach. By understanding your symptoms and implementing strategies to manage them, you can increase productivity and achieve success in your professional and personal life. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek support from professionals when necessary. With the right approach, you can thrive as a high-performance professional with ADHD.

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Don’t forget to head over to my group on Facebook The Boss Club. You’ll find tons of support for online business owners. From focus and productivity to growing your online presence!



Cynthia Schomp

I'm just here to obsess over Artificial Intelligence, Marketing & Design! Professionally an AI SaaS Company CMO.